Spelt Agave Crunchy Granola with Berry Coulis

Plum Foods Spelt Agave Granola with fresh Berry Coulis

Plum Foods Spelt Agave Granola with Berry Coulis

Spelt Agave Crunch is a wonderful, low sugar yet tasty to eat and healthy, organic toasted granola from Plum Foods that is made with really crunchy clusters.

Pictured is an example of an easy healthy breakfast. We use a combination of 3 fresh berries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries to make a quick berry coulis. Then top your Spelt Agave crunchy granola and yogurt with the berry coulis and add any leftover fresh berries.

This breakfast is loaded with protein from the almond based Spelt & Agave granola and the yogurt and with healthy nutrients from the berries with no added sugar.

Spelt is special healthy ancient wheat variety that helps in improving the digestive health, lowers the level of cholesterol, improves blood circulation, helps in hormonal regulation and creation, as well as maintaining  bone health.

It’s an easy healthy breakfast that is nutritious and tasty.
Buy Spelt Agave Crunch granola online from Wholesaler and manufacturer Opera Foods.

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#plumfoods #speltagavecrunch #crunchygranola #crunchymuesli #organicgranola #easyhealthybreakfast #spelt #agave #granola #lowsugar #noaddedsugar

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