Gourmet Muesli

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Find out about gourmet muesli for a nutritious and healthy breakfast or brunch. How about a smooth tasty Bircher muesli.


Is Muesli Good for You?

is muesli good for you

It is a breakfast staple for many, but is muesli good for you? In this article, we explore the role that muesli can play as part of a healthy breakfast and why it can (but not always) be a nutritious choice. We’ll also guide you on how to choose a healthy muesli and share some ideas for mixing it up a bit.

Let’s start with the basics.

What is Muesli?

This may sound like a silly question, but if sugary cereals have always been more your thing, then you could be forgiven for misunderstanding muesli.

Muesli is a (potentially) wholesome, uncooked breakfast dish that first originated in Switzerland. It’s typically made up of a base of rolled oats combined with various ingredients like dried fruits, seeds, and nuts. Some versions also include other grains, such as barley or rye flakes. Unlike granola, which is usually baked with sweeteners and oil, it is often eaten raw or soaked overnight in milk or yogurt.

There’s also toasted muesli which, as the name suggests, is muesli that has been toasted. Not quite granola, it does however have a crisper texture and more baked flavours than the regular stuff.

What’s muesli made of?

As we have seen, muesli is traditionally made from a base of rolled oats with other ingredients such as dried fruit and nuts added. But that’s not the whole story.

Is muesli full of sugar?

It can be. Many commercial brands can contain as much as 20% sugar. Luckily there are plenty of options that are low or no sugar. Watch out for natural forms of sugar too. Whilst sweeteners such as honey and maple syrup are preferable from a nutritional standpoint, they should still be lower down the list of ingredients. It is probably best to stay away from artificial sweeteners too, as the evidence against them continues to grow.

Wholegrain Cereal for a Healthy Breakfast Option

A healthy breakfast is crucial as it kick-starts your metabolism and provides the energy needed to see you through the day. It helps regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping you satiated and preventing overeating later in the day.

Additionally, a nutritious breakfast that includes a balance of protein, fibre, and good fats can improve cognitive function, helping you to concentrate throughout the day.

So, starting your day with healthy breakfast cereals such as muesli could be a great way to ensure you’re feeding your body right from the word go, and the first step towards a healthy diet. Read our article to find out more about why wholegrains are the heart of a healthy cereal.

The Benefits of Muesli

Is muesli healthier than oats?

It all depends. A traditional muesli made with oats will give you all the benefits of oats plus the additional nutrients of the fruit, nuts and seeds. But there are things to watch out for, as we will see later on.

The plus side

On the plus side, muesli is a great source of wholegrain fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Boosting your fibre intake comes with a host of health benefits. A fibre-rich diet aids digestion by adding bulk to the stool, helping prevent constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. Additionally, it can contribute to weight management by inducing a feeling of fullness, which can help curb overeating. Fibre can also play a crucial role in maintaining heart health by reducing levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

The unique soluble fibre in oats has been shown to have additional benefits such as improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation and balancing gut microbiota.

It is also home to many essential vitamins and minerals, each contributing to various aspects of overall health. Packed with magnesium, iron, zinc, and B vitamins from whole grains, muesli aids in energy production and promotes a healthy nervous system.

The added nuts and seeds contribute healthy fats, as well as vitamin E, and selenium, which are known for their antioxidant properties and support for the immune system.

Dried fruits like raisins or apricots, are a good source of potassium and vitamin A.

However, it’s important to note that the nutritional profile can vary greatly depending on the specific ingredients used in each blend.

The downsides

Despite its numerous health benefits, muesli does have a few downsides that are worth considering.

First and foremost, some muesli blends can be high in sugar, particularly those that contain added sugars or a high proportion of dried fruits. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, and increased risk of various health issues such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Secondly, some store-bought muesli mixes may contain high amounts of sodium, which could contribute to high blood pressure if consumed in excess.

Lastly, muesli is calorie-dense, meaning it can be easy to overdo it, which could potentially lead to weight gain if not portion-controlled. As with any food, even those with numerous health benefits, moderation is key.

How to Choose a Healthy Muesli

When choosing a healthy muesli, there are a few key aspects to consider.

Firstly, opt for a brand that uses whole grains as the base, as these are packed with fibre and keep you feeling full for longer. However, if you choose not to eat grains there are some excellent grain-free muesli options available.

Our crispy apple paleo is a great little grain-free muesli

Secondly, pay close attention to the sugar content. As mentioned earlier, some brands can contain up to 20% sugar, so aim for options that are low or no sugar. Natural sweeteners are preferable, but they should not be a primary ingredient.

Also, look for a muesli that includes a variety of nuts and seeds for added protein and healthy fats. Dried fruit does contain sugar, albeit in a more nutritious package, but a variety of fruits will offer a range of vitamins and minerals.

Finally, be wary of unnecessary additives or preservatives – the fewer ingredients, the better. Stick to these guidelines, and you’ll be well on your way to choosing a nutritious, delicious bowl of muesli.

Our low sugar muesli varieties are made with no artificial preservatives, sweeteners or colours

What Can You Eat Muesli With?

Can I eat muesli without milk?

Whilst we wouldn’t recommend a bowl of dry muesli for breakfast (nosebag, anyone?) there are alternatives to the old-school cereal/combo routine.

Ideas for what to eat with muesli

  1. Yogurt Parfait: Layer your muesli with Greek yogurt and fresh fruits for a nutritious and visually appealing breakfast option. You can also add a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of chia seeds for extra flavour and nutrients.
  2. Smoothie Bowl: Blend your favourite fruits with a bit of almond milk or coconut water and top it off with a hearty sprinkle of muesli. It’s a delicious, filling, and nutritious start to your day.
  3. Protein Shake: Top your protein shake with toasted muesli for a bit of extra crunch and a nutrient boost.
  4. Baked Goods: Use muesli in place of oats in your baking to add an extra dimension to your favourite baked goods. Think super easy muesli bars or flapjack. Or banana muffins maybe.
  5. With Plant-Based Milk: For a vegan option, try your muesli with almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk. You could also consider adding some fresh fruits or nuts on top.
  6. Quick Muesli Bars: Combine muesli with nut butter and honey, press into a pan, and let it set in the fridge. Cut them into bars for a quick and healthy snack on the go.
  7. Chocolate and Berries: For a decadent yet healthy dessert, mix your muesli with dark chocolate chunks and berries, then serve it with a dollop of whipped cream or Greek yogurt.

There are plenty of creative ways to enjoy muesli that go beyond the traditional milk and cereal combo. Whether you’re looking for a nutritious breakfast, a filling snack, or a healthy dessert, muesli offers versatility and countless options to suit your dietary needs and preferences.

Explore our range of healthy cereals to buy online. Don’t forget that you can buy in bulk and take advantage of wholesale discounts.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Healthy Cereal Manufacturers”.
See original article:- Is Muesli Good for You?

Why Oats are Still the Backbone of a Healthy Cereal

healthy oat cereal

What with keto, and the controversial avenin/gluten content debate, oats have begun to get as much bad press as wheat. Yet the truth is that its very low in gluten and unless you have clearly identified that avenin causes you problems, then you should strongly consider including oats as a regular part of your diet.

The Heart of a Healthy Cereal

At Opera Foods we take our breakfast pretty seriously. We spent a long time considering ‘what makes a healthy breakfast‘ and reached the conclusion that wholegrain cereal is the healthiest breakfast of them all.

So what does that mean? Certainly not all wholegrain cereals are equal. Staying away from the big commercial brands, especially those marketed towards children, is probably a good start. When choosing a healthy cereal, muesli, granola, and porridge, are at the top of most people’s lists.

Speciality blends (such as keto or Paleo ) aside, most of these breakfast cereals have one thing in common. And that is oats. If wholegrains are truly the heart of a healthy cereal, then oats are most definitely the backbone.

Oats in Granola

The entire point of granola is those crunchy, possibly even chewy, clusters. It is one of the things that sets granola apart from muesli. Btw, which side are you on? This may help; muesli vs granola.

We have lots of lovely oat based granola blends for you to try. As well as a few that aren’t.

Oats in Muesli

When Mr Bircher first created his restorative recipe, he didn’t reach for the buckwheat or the quinoa. He choose to base his easily digestible breakfast around the restorative power of oats.

Have you tried our premium muesli blends?

Oats in Porridge

Likewise, generations of Scots have started their day on a warming bowl of porridge oats, which are a staple ingredient in Scotland. Granted, this is largely because they grow really well there and traditional foods do tend to evolve through availability. Yet oats behave in a certain way when cooked in liquid that makes porridge so appealing. They have a certain creaminess, even when cooked in water, that is inherently easy to eat. A bowl of porridge at breakfast will certainly see you through to lunch, and possibly all the way though to dinner. It is just that good.

Our five grain porridge blend is based on organic jumbo oats.

The Health Benefits of Oats

Oats have a ton of beneficial properties and can be considered a true superfood. Which is why we recommend that you only eliminate them from your diet if the downsides outweigh the good.

In short, oats can…

  • help lower cholesterol
  • help control insulin secretion
  • help lower anxiety
  • prevent blood sugar spikes
  • soothe your gut
  • supercharge your skin

Which is quite a lot for an unassuming and often misunderstood little grain. So how do oats manage to provide all these benefits. What supercharges this super grain?

Beta – glucan; heart healthy fibre

Beta-glucan is a soluble fibre found in many grains, yet is particularly abundant in oats.

Soluble fibre dissolves in water to form a gel, unlike insoluble fibre that passes straight through. Although both are types of fibre, they actually have the opposite effect on the body. Together they provide powerful protection for your gut.

The mucus-like gel coats and lubricates the gut lining, slowing down digestion and keeping you fuller for longer. This, in turn slows down the absorption of sugar and helps to stabilise blood sugar levels as well as improve overall blood sugar regulation.

Beta-glucan has been shown to to drastically lower LDL (unhealthy) cholesterol levels, leading to a marked improvement in total cholesterol.

Essential mineral magnesium

Things rarely work in isolation, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. Oats are known to be one of the best foods for helping to control blood sugar levels. Not only does the beta glucan help with blood sugar regulation, but oats are also a rich source of magnesium that helps to regulate insulin secretion. A diabetic double whammy, if you like.

Gramine; nature’s sedative

Oats are a traditional remedy for insomnia, depression and anxiety. We now know that they contain the alkaloid gramine, that acts as a natural sedative.

Water loving polysaccharides

Oats are also well known for their skin softening properties, and again feature highly in traditional beauty remedies. Their excellent moisturising properties are down to the sugars that they contain, which attract and hold water to lubricate the skin.

Silica; skin care’s best kept secret

The mineral silica is involved in the making of collagen and elastin, which provides the structure for firm youthful looking skin. It is also found in hyaluronic acid (yes, that one) which helps to keep the skin matrix supple.

Tocotrienol; skin soothing vitamin E

Oats are very soothing for the skin. They contain a compound known as tocotrienol, which is actually a member of the vitamin E family. As well as its skin soothing properties, it is thought to offer some protection against UV damage too.

Zinc; for problem skin and hair

As if all of this were not enough, oats also contain zinc, which is helpful in controlling sebum production. Greasy hair and breakout skin are often caused by out of control sebum production, and zinc can certainly help with this.


So that’s the lowdown on why oats are such a valuable part of a healthy diet, unless of course you do have issues with avenin sensitivity. Oats are very low in Gluten. In the USA they allow it to be called Gluten Free. Including them in your diet may reap more rewards than excluding them so we believe it is well worth serious consideration.

As always, feel free to explore our range of premium healthy cereals, available to buy online in bulk today.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Australian Breakfast Cereal Manufacturers”.
See original article:- Why Oats are Still the Backbone of a Healthy Cereal

Quinoa Flakes: Spotlight on Whole Grain Cereals

quinoa flakes

What are quinoa flakes? Healthy cereal, especially muesli and granola, goes way beyond wheat. We have already looked at how wholegrains are the heart of a healthy cereal, and would now like to investigate some of these healthy grains in more detail. Starting with quinoa flakes.

Quinoa in your breakfast cereal

With more and more people on the lookout for healthy breakfast cereals that will meet their dietary needs, or even just a bit more interest in their morning bowl, quinoa has found itself in the ingredients list of many a premium muesli or granola.

Most of us are, by now, familiar with quinoa as an ingredient. Something we may cook instead of rice, or stir into a healthy grain salad. It looks like a round seed, bigger than chia, that softens and expands when cooked. But breakfast cereal requires a different approach. Raw, whole grains are completely unpalatable. Yet cooked grains are no longer dry; a state which is kind of crucial to the whole concept. The answer lies, and always has, in some kind of mechanical processing.

So, you will find quinoa in your breakfast cereal in two forms. Puffed quinoa, and quinoa flakes. Puffed quinoa is less raw than quinoa flakes as it is popped using heat (like puffed rice). Quinoa flakes, on the other hand, are pressed raw (like rolled oats). Both forms are just alternative versions of whole quinoa, so have the same nutritional benefits and properties.

Quinoa flakes are found in our 5 Grain Porridge mix, as well as our gluten-free granola Maple Nut Crunch.

Is quinoa a grain?

Unlike true grains, quinoa is the seed of a plant rather than a cereal grass. We think of it as a grain, as it behaves in very much the same way, but it is a pseudograin, not a true grain.

Are quinoa flakes gluten free?

Yes, quinoa flakes are gluten free.

Is quinoa a carb or a protein?

Quinoa is both carb and protein. As a grain-like food we tend to cook and serve it like a carbohydrate, and it does indeed contain carbohydrates. But it also provides us with all the essential amino acids and is considered a complete protein. For that reason, it has bonafide superfood status.

What does quinoa taste like?

Quinoa tastes slightly sweet and nutty. It does have a little bitterness, with grassy undertones. The taste and texture of quinoa flakes is not unlike rolled oats; when toasted they are more nutty and sweet.

Are quinoa flakes healthy?

Quinoa flakes share all the nutritional benefits of quinoa, which is higher in nutrients than most grains.

Good for your heart – 

Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce the LDL cholesterol that leaves fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack. They also help to reduce inflammation.

Good for growth and repair – 

One of the best sources of plant protein, quinoa helps to keep hunger at bay and therefore maintain a healthy weight. It is particularly rich in amino acid lysine, which is important for tissue growth and repair and is believed to be particularly effective at burning fat.

Full of antioxidants – 

A great source of antioxidant vitamin E (hello healthy skin), quinoa is also rich in the polyphenol quercetin; another powerful antioxidant.

Rich in minerals

Quinoa is an abundant source of minerals. There’s…

Manganese for metabolism.

Phosphorus for bones.

Iron for blood.

Copper for the heart.

Quinoa flakes are also really easy to digest, which makes them perfect for breakfast.


Explore our range of healthy cereals, all of them packed full of wholegrains and other natural ingredients.

Or find out more about what makes a healthy breakfast.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “gourmet cereals manufacturer”.
See original article:- Quinoa Flakes: Spotlight on Whole Grain Cereals

Cereal smackdown – muesli vs granola

muesli vs granola

Are you a diehard devotee of granola or do you prefer your healthy breakfast with a little less crunch? Do you think muesli got a raw deal whilst granola evolved into muesli plus?

It’s a cereal smackdown but who will win the battle of muesli vs granola?

The difference between granola and muesli

If you stood the main ingredients of muesli and granola side by side they would be fairly similar. A healthy breakfast of wholegrains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, the major difference between granola and muesli is that muesli is raw whilst granola is baked. To facilitate this baking, and turn raw wholesome muesli into crunchy granola, oil and sugar are added. But there is more to granola than just oil and sugar, and in fact it never evolved from muesli at all.

Which came first – muesli or granola?

Most of us are by now familiar with the story of Bircher muesli and how it came about. But did you know that Bircher muesli was actually the first muesli invented? Never intended as a breakfast food, Swiss muesli was the poster child of healthy living. Other parts of Europe soon caught on, enticed by the clean image of fresh mountain air and pastures green. By 1960, commercial muesli was widely available.

Granola began life in the United States yet it was not the lovechild of muesli and flapjack at all. Muesli and granola both came into being around the end of the nineteenth century but the original granola was made from wheat, not oats.  It was not until the 1960s that fruit and nuts were added by health conscious hippies, and commercial granola was not available until the 1970s. As it turns out, the two cereals may share many similarities but are in fact completely different things.

Muesli vs granola

So, other than grains, nuts, seeds and fruit, what’s in the bag? Many commercial brands of muesli may have sugar and milk powder added. If your muesli makes the milk taste rich and sweet, chances are it has plenty of both. Gourmet muesli has far less, if any, of these additions. Granola will have some form of fat, and some form of sweetener, added. What these actually are will vary. Commercial varieties of granola are unlikely to be made with butter as it would turn rancid quickly, but they can contain high amounts of unhealthy hydrogenated or trans fats. Sugar content will vary from refined white sugars and corn syrup to the more acceptable face of honey or maple syrup. Even then, quantity counts.

Muesli is served cold, with milk or juice added. It can be soaked, as in Bircher muesli or overnight oats, or even cooked and served hot like porridge. Muesli is pretty versatile but you probably wouldn’t want to snack on a dry handful straight from the box. Granola, on the other hand, was seemingly made for to be eaten naked and unadorned as a snack. Usually served cold, with or without milk, it is not unheard of to serve granola with hot milk. Granola is also an important feature of a granola bowl, smoothie bowl, or acai bowl.

Yet muesli got stuck with the health-food-as-penance reputation whilst granola got to be the good time girl. The acceptable face of oat eating. Both may have began life as health foods, but by the time the food industry got its wicked way neither muesli or granola could claim to be health foods.

Thankfully things have changed and most gourmet granola and muesli are full of the healthy grains, fruits, nuts and seeds that make cereal and milk the ideal healthy breakfast. But is muesli better than granola? Muesli may be less moreish, largely because it has no fat or sugar, but gourmet granola is not all about butter and syrup. Most of our healthy granola has no added sugar and is made with healthy fats.

Toasted muesli vs untoasted muesli

What even is toasted muesli? Is there a difference between granola and toasted muesli? Well, toasted muesli sits somewhere between granola and muesli. It can be made with no sugar or oil, but a little of each helps it along. Toasted muesli won’t clump together into crunchy clusters like granola can, but the toasting adds an extra dimension of texture and flavour. Gourmet granola sometimes has more in common with toasted muesli than it does with granola. Which is no bad thing.

Can you make granola from muesli?

Well, yes you can. But why would you want to when there are so many delicious healthy alternatives available? Here’s some of our favourite healthy granola, all baked by hand here in Australia.

Apple Supreme Paleo, gluten-free granola

This one is grain-free as well as gluten-free. A blend of fruit, nuts and seeds for the perfect Paleo granola.


Cranberry Crunch Granola

A classic double baked muesli. Made with Australian pesticide-free almonds, cranberries, pecans and cinnamon alongside organic rolled oats.


Maple Nut Crunch, gluten-free vegan granola

The gluten-free version of our award winning granola. A gourmet granola with quinoa and puffed buckwheat instead of oats. Because contrary to popular belief, oats are not gluten-free.


Maple Nut Crunch Granola

An award winning granola made with agave and maple syrup.


Spelt and Agave Nut Crunch Granola

A healthy breakfast idea made with ancient grain spelt as well as organic rolled oats. Uniquely favoured with cinnamon and a touch of cardamom.

Here is a great Bircher Muesli: Fig & Apricot Bircher.


Head over to our online store where our healthy breakfast cereals are available to buy in bulk.


So who wins the cereal smackdown? We think both muesli and granola are absolute winners. Aaah.

This article was reproduced on this site only with permission from our parent company operafoods.com.au the “Gourmet Online Wholesale Grocer”. See the original article here:- Cereal Smackdown – Muesli vs Granola

What is Bircher muesli and how easy is it to make?

What is bircher muesli title

The forerunner to overnight oats, Bircher muesli is a healthy breakfast favourite.

The soaked oats take on a softly different texture to porridge, in a dish that is easy to eat and easy to digest. Which is ideal for the first meal of the day.

Closely related to both muesli and granola, it can be oddly decadent in spite of its wholesome credentials.

What is Bircher muesli?

Bircher muesli was created in the early 1900s by Maximilian Bircher-Brenner. A Swiss doctor, he created the recipe as a way of getting more fruit into his patients. More specifically, apples, which he considered particularly nutritious. A simple recipe of oats, milk, nuts and apples soaked together overnight, it was a soft and easily digestible breakfast for his sanitorium patients. So of course Bircher Muesli is another one of the low sugar cereal products.

Is Bircher muesli healthy?

Like most foods, it can only be as healthy as the ingredients that you make it with. Made with cream and lots of nuts it will be more heavy on calories than if you soak it in water. Made with the four basic ingredients, this healthy breakfast comes with a range of benefits.

Oats are full of fibre, some of which is soluble, that gives an extended feeling of fullness and prevents blood sugar spikes. Magnesium present in oats helps to regulate insulin secretion and they also contain a natural sedative. With plenty of vitamins and minerals, oats are a great source of all round goodness.

Maximilian was right about apples; an often overlooked fruit. They also help to regulate blood sugar levels and are a source of soluble fibre. Many of the compounds found in apples improve metabolic balance. Always eat the skin as it contains fibre and may help prevent osteoporosis. Apples are waxed for shelf life, so wash them thoroughly in warm soapy water and rinse well before eating. Allowing the apple to brown a little after grated can help it become more easily digestible. Apples are also a source of vitamin C and iron.

Adding nuts increases the protein content as well as the fibre. Always eat nuts with the skin on to keep the nutrient profile intact. Nuts also provide many essential fatty acids. Almonds are rich in zinc, magnesium, and potassium as well as antioxidant vitamin E. Hazelnuts are rich in antioxidants and contain biotin, a substance that is really good for strong healthy skin and hair.

Using dairy milk, from cows, sheep, or goats, adds the benefit of calcium and vitamin D. Dairy foods also provide vitamin B12 which is essential for a healthy brain and nervous system. Vitamin B3 in dairy milk can also help to burn more calories. Choose full fat milk as it retains the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Can you eat Bircher muesli without soaking?

Bircher muesli by default is soaked. Not soaked, it becomes, well, muesli. The soaking process not only makes the oats more digestible by softening them, but helps to break down a substance called phytic acid. Present in all grains (which is why grains are not part of a Paleo diet), phytic acid binds to certain minerals and reduces the uptake of minerals present in the food. You can also include the nuts in the soaking process for the same reason, but they do take on a softer less crunchy texture.

Is Bircher muesli gluten free?

Oats themselves are not gluten free yet low in gluten and are often processed alongside wheat and other cereals so tend to be avoided by those with serious issues around gluten, such as coeliacs. Oats that are not 100% gluten free although some are  labelled as such, and some commercial muesli blends will contain other gluten-containing cereals.

How to make Bircher muesli

Jar of bircher muesli

Jar of bircher muesli

Bircher muesli is made by soaking oats in a liquid overnight, and then adding grated apple and nuts. It will keep in the fridge for about 3 days and can be frozen if required.

Vegan Bircher muesli

Making this soft creamy breakfast vegan is easy. Simply use juice, water or non-dairy milk. Nutty almond milk works particularly well, as does creamy oat milk.

Paleo Bircher muesli

Strictly speaking, the Paleo diet is open to personal interpretation depending on the foods you feel your body can tolerate. But in general, whether they contain gluten or not, grains are eliminated from the Paleo diet. You could experiment with some combination of coconut flakes, almond meal, and chia seeds but the results will be a vague approximation rather than a substitute. We think you are far better off with Paleo muesli or granola of nuts, seeds and fruits instead.

Basic Bircher muesli recipe

Soaked overnight, it becomes a soft and simple moreish thing. For the liquid you could use water, apple juice, milk, or for a touch of luxury, mix of half milk/half cream. The classic nuts would be hazelnuts, but you could use almonds, pecans, or walnuts.

You could make bircher muesli with our multigrain porridge oats, or try a bircher muesli mix instead of just oats.

Serves 1

25g oats

90ml liquid

1 apple, coarsely grated

1/4 cup nuts, chopped

  1. Mix the liquid with the oats and soak in the fridge overnight.
  2. Stir in the grated apple.
  3. Top with the nuts and enjoy.


Have you tried Bircher porridge? Make it just like you would regular porridge, but use a Bircher muesli like our Hinterland Bircher Muesli. It’s ideal for winter and packed full of yummy things that will make your morning porridge a bit more interesting.

Bircher muesli not your thing? Here’s some of our other low sugar cereals.  Or head on over to our online gourmet grocery stores where you can buy healthy cereal in bulk.



Fig Apricot Bircher Muesli your Favorite Gourmet Food.

The Fig Apricot Organic Bircher Muesli from the Plum foods is made up of high-quality ingredients. Plum foods use the best quality of natural and organic ingredients. They combine different type of dried fruit and nuts, tasty almonds, healthy cereal, and superb organic oats. It tastes best when soaked in almond milk but you can also try that with the normal milk. You can also have it by cooking it up and then add fresh yogurt or mix them with Acai berry power and add blueberries as toppings.

It is foil lined pack with zipped reseal bag, no artificial preservatives or sweeteners are added to retain its freshness.

Our Fig Apricot Organic Bircher Muesli 500gm is a favorite product among all the gourmet foods found in Plum foods.

If you want to place an order in bulk you can order from our wholesale food Suppliers Sydney, Opera Foods.

What Makes Our Products Stand Out from the Rest?

Plum Foods specializes in majority organic and/or insecticide-free cereals without compromising on the desired features of taste and ease-of-making. Thoughtfully, they is low on the GI (Glycemic Index).

You could add different fruit combinations to produce a wide range of tastes and nutritional content.

One such combination, the Fig and Apricot Bircher Mix are composed of organic oats, rice flakes, figs, pesticide-free almonds and gorgeous spices, sunflower kernels, sultanas, etc., to make the food temptingly tasty.

The energy will thus give will see you through an active and hectic day. It too has been very popular and in good demand for several decades and still going strong. Porridge oats are soaked in milk gets the texture and taste.

Gourmet grocers stock these ranges in a 500g pack and 1Kg packs are also available for large families and Cafes. Please visit Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane specialist wholesale suppliers Opera Foods for all your needs.


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You will love your lunch, brunch or breckie when its delicious, healthy, affordable and exciting!

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