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Make Granola the Breakfast Food, the” Sine Qua Non” of Your Dietary Preference

With ease-of making and carrying, nutritional value and health benefits, Granola is a hands-down winner of your ideal breakfast choice.

Granola is made up of rolled oats, pressed flat and lightly toasted together with many variations of other ingredients. Honey, nuts and puffed rice are sometimes used as add-ons. It contains fiber, nutrients and valuable minerals in abundance.

Being a good source of Carbohydrates, they provide muscles with the requisite energy for a busy and active day. The bonus is that they are easy to carry on backpacks.

The choice for the spread: You could add fruits such as dates and apricots and have it as a snack. Alternately, you could add spoonfuls of yoghurt, sliced peaches, strawberries and raspberries for a heady mix as a dessert.

JEZVE COFFEE ROSE BAY, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, offers Plum Foods’ famous Maple nut crunch Granola, served with yoghurt and toppings of coconut or organic Acai Berry. They also serve shakes smoothies and frappes besides coffee and fresh juices. PLUM foods offer gluten-free organic Paleo Granola for an alternative.

CRANBERRY as a component for a healthy Granola is eminently suitable because of low calories and high values of Vitamins C, A and K…CRANBERRIES contain proanthocyanidins and antioxidants which helps prevent a host of diseases. Cranberries are truly a Super-Food: Reason -it helps improve digestion, prevent urinary tract infection, prevents gum diseases, lowers bad cholesterol and boosts the immune system.

SPELT AGAVE GRANOLA offers a combination of 3 fresh berries-blueberries, blackberries and raspberries..add crunchy granola with yogurt and see how your taste buds light up!

Spelt is a special healthy wheat variety that helps digestion, improves blood circulation, hormonal creation and regulation and maintains bone health.

You can buy all of them from your wholesale food Suppliers Sydney melbourne and Brisbane Opera Foods.

Amazing Benefits and Different Ways of Having Granola

Granola is an extremely popular breakfast food which is loved by many health-conscious people all over the world. It is made up of rolled oats which have been pressed flat and lightly steamed, a bit of honey, nuts and puffed rice is added. Granola is a breakfast which is regularly used by people who travel a lot as it is very easy to carry them in their backpacks.

There are many amazing health benefits of Granola because it includes fiber, nutrients and many valuable minerals. As it contains dietary fibers, it improves the digestive system of our body.

According to researchers breakfast is the most important meal of our entire day because it keeps our brain active and working throughout the day, and hence if you have our organic granola as breakfast it not only reduces the blood pressure of the body but also boosts the speed of nervous response. If you have redness in your skin and associated pain because of sun burn then granola is a great choice of breakfast for you as it contains Vitamin E which protects the skin from premature ageing, sunburn, and wrinkles.

Granola is also one of the best sources of carbohydrates, which provides our muscle with the necessary energy for a busy day. The advantage of having granola is that you can have it in many ways as your breakfast. You can add dried fruits such as dates, apricots and have it as a snack. You can also take a spoonful of granola and a spoonful of yogurt and add sliced peaches, strawberries and raspberries and have it as a dessert.

Healthy Cereal Breakfast at Jezve Coffee Rose Bay

Jezve Coffee Rose Bay serve Healthy Granola

Jezve Coffee Rose Bay serve Healthy Granola

Jezve Coffee Rose Bay @jezveaustralia serve Healthy Granola, What an ideal location for a relaxing breakfast in  Sydney’s eastern Suburbs.

Jezve Coffee offers a great, healthy organic breakfast, using Plum Food’s famous Maple Nut Crunch granola. Their healthy granola is served with yogurt and topping such as coconut or organic Acai Berry.
Let Ali and his friendly team make you a great Coffee. They also offer a wide range of Shakes, Smoothies and Frappes. And a really good assortment of fresh juices.

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Paleo Organic Healthy Breakfast Cereal

Apple Supreme Paleo an organic healthy breakfast cereal

Apple Supreme Paleo an organic healthy breakfast cereal

Apple Supreme Paleo is an organic healthy breakfast cereal by Plum Foods the Australian organic granola and muesli manufacturers of easy healthy breakfast cereals.

This is a Gluten Free organic Paleo granola. Top shelf and great easy healthy breakfast.

Buy it online from your organic cereal and Australian granola manufacturers at Plum Foods.

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Cranberry Crunch Easy Healthy and Delicious Granola Breakfast

Cranberry Crunch with Blueberries

Cranberry Crunch with Blueberries

Cranberries are a perfect component for a healthy granola or muesli breakfast that is quick and easy. Cranberries are low in calories and high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and also vitamin K.

Easy Healthy Breakfast

Try Plum Foods’s gorgeous ready to go Cranberry Crunch organic granola with almonds that is already loaded with dried cranberries. Add any fresh in-season berries like Blueberries or any other fresh fruit. Top it with some milk, almond milk and a big dollop of yogurt to add some protein for an easy healthy breakfast. Hard To beat for great nutritional value and sheer convenience.

Cranberry Nutritional Value

Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins an antioxidant that helps prevent a range of diseases. Cranberries improve digestion, help prevent urinary tract infections, help prevent gum disease, reduces bad cholesterol, and will boost your immune system.One of the natural super-foods.

Available in either 500g bag or family 1kg bulk pack. Buy Plum Food’s Cranberry Crunch in bulk online direct from the granola manufacturer at Opera Foods website. (Plum Foods is a subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd)

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Plum Foods Xmas Cakes 400g for Gourmet Gift Baskets

Plum Foods Christmas Cake 400g

Plum Foods Christmas Cake 400g

Plum Foods offer a gorgeouse small 400g Christmas Cake in a size that is perfect for a slice each for around 6 people.
Our Christmas cake is rich and fruity and moist, marinated and filled with dried fruits and almonds and is a natural long life product.

We make these to order for Christmas and invite bulk orders by end of September each year.

The Plum Foods 400g Christmas cake is a perfect size for retailers as it popular in size. Ideal impulse buy sellers for greengrocers, delicatessens, and perfect for gourmet gift baskets.

Order your Christmas cakes in boxes of 12 early for next season.

Plum Foods is a subsidiary of fine foods wholesaler & manufacturer Opera Foods

#christmascake #xmascake #plumfoods #operafoods

Fig & Apricot Bircher Muesli Recipe

Fig & Apricot Bircher muesli with yogurt and a berry coulis

Fig & Apricot Bircher muesli with yogurt and a berry coulis

Fig & Apricot Bircher muesli with a berry coulis fresh fruit and Yogurt is a very health easy breakfast based on the Bircher muesli recipe made famous by Dr Bircher’s health muesli.

The Plum Foods brand Fig & Apricot Muesli already comes pre-mixed with organic oats some dried fruits and healthy pesticide free Australian Almonds, so you have Dr Birchers Muesli when you simply add milk. However, this recipe calls for some extra fresh fruit and a bigger dollop of protein rich yogurt.

See the recipe at Opera Foods

#fig&apricotbircher #bircher #birchermuesli #plumfoods #bircherrecipe #yogurt #freshfruit

Spelt Agave Crunchy Granola with Berry Coulis

Plum Foods Spelt Agave Granola with fresh Berry Coulis

Plum Foods Spelt Agave Granola with Berry Coulis

Spelt Agave Crunch is a wonderful, low sugar yet tasty to eat and healthy, organic toasted granola from Plum Foods that is made with really crunchy clusters.

Pictured is an example of an easy healthy breakfast. We use a combination of 3 fresh berries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries to make a quick berry coulis. Then top your Spelt Agave crunchy granola and yogurt with the berry coulis and add any leftover fresh berries.

This breakfast is loaded with protein from the almond based Spelt & Agave granola and the yogurt and with healthy nutrients from the berries with no added sugar.

Spelt is special healthy ancient wheat variety that helps in improving the digestive health, lowers the level of cholesterol, improves blood circulation, helps in hormonal regulation and creation, as well as maintaining  bone health.

It’s an easy healthy breakfast that is nutritious and tasty.
Buy Spelt Agave Crunch granola online from Wholesaler and manufacturer Opera Foods.

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#plumfoods #speltagavecrunch #crunchygranola #crunchymuesli #organicgranola #easyhealthybreakfast #spelt #agave #granola #lowsugar #noaddedsugar

Plum Foods Granola – Serve it to Suit any Family Member

Plum Foods Granola served with Yogurt & Fresh Fruit

Plum Foods Granola served with Yogurt & Fresh Fruit

Plum Foods manufacture a wide range of low sugar healthy granola and muesli mixes designed to give you an easy healthy breakfast that is flexible to suit any family members individual preferences.
For a high protein meal serve your Plum Foods granola with milk, yogurt or almond milk. Plum Foods’ range are based on Pesticide free Australian almonds so they are naturally high in protein with no added sugar.
Fresh Fruits that are high in protein are: – guavas, apricots, kiwifruit, avocados, blackberries, oranges, bananas, raspberries, cantaloupe and peaches.

Plum Foods also offer Organic Oats, Organic wholemeal flour and pesticide free almonds as stand alone products. Buy Plum Foods brand Maple Nut Crunch organic granola in Sydney at; About Life Stores, Taste Organic stores, Scoop Wholefoods Stores, Greenwood Grocer North Sydney, Fourth Village Mosman, Parisis Foodhall Rose Bay, IGA Market Central Wentworth Point, Craigs Cheese Shop BONDI JUNCTION, FruitEzy Chatswood & Chatswood Chase, The Health Emporium BONDI, Vaucluse Fruit Shop. You will also find Maple Nut Crunch served at many Sydney Cafes (because its the best). #plumfoods #maplenutcrunch #easyhealthybreakfast #granola #organicgranola #freshfruit #aboutlife #tasteorganic #scoopwholefoods #greenwoodgrocer #fourthvillage #parisis #parisisfoodhall #igamarketcentral #craigscheesshop #fruitezy #healthemporium #vauclusefruitshop #sydneycafes #sydney #gourmetgranola #organicoats #organicporridge #porridge #crunchy

Recipe – Raspberries with Yogurt & Granola.

Raspberry Yogurt granola breakfast

Raspberry Yogurt granola breakfast

Raspberries and Yogurt on Granola – An Easy Healthy Breakfast

A high probiotic, high protein & nutrient rich recipe for serving granola with yogurt & fresh raspberries.


  • 100g Maple Nut Crunch organic granola from Plum Foods
  • 120g Low Fat Yogurt
  • 6 large fresh RaspberriesAdd the Granola and yogurt and top with the raspberries. Make sure you wash the fresh raspberries.

    Read the details of this recipe and nutritional benefits for this easy healthy breakfast in full at the Opera Foods’ food blog.