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Granola Breakfast with Blackberries and Yogurt

Maple Nut Crunch granola with Yogurt & Blackberries

Maple Nut Crunch granola with Yogurt & Blackberries

Recipe for Maple Nut Crunch served as an easy healthy breakfast with yogurt and blackberries.


  • 90g Maple Nut Crunch toasted granola.
  • 110g low fat yogurt
  • 7 Large plump fresh Blackberries.

    See the full articla and order Maple Nut Crunch at the Opera Foods gourmet store.


Crunchy Granola with Yoghurt Banana Blueberries Strawberries

Maple Nut Crunch granola by Plum Foods

Maple Nut Crunch granola by Plum Foods

A new recipe article  has just been posted on the online gourmet store at Opera Foods for Crunchy Granola with Yoghurt Banana Blueberries Strawberries.

  • 200g Low Fat Yoghurt
  • 100g Maple Nut Crunch roasted granola from Plum Foods
  • 1 whole small Banana
  • 3 large Strawberries
  • 1 spoonfull of fresh Blueberries.See the full article along with other easy Healthy Breakfast recipes here :-
    Opera Foods Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes


Plum Foods Sydney Delivery

Plum Foods offers gourmet lunches, brunches or an easy healthy breakfast, from the finest Sydney restaurants and cafes.
You will love your lunch, brunch or breckie when its delicious, healthy, affordable and exciting!

Plum Foods’ customers brings you gourmet lunches from Sydney’s finest restaurants and cafes at great affordable prices.

A gourmet muesli or granola served well, is not just an easy and quick healthy lunch or brunch,  its also not expensive and is available from the quality Plum Foods products range in restaurants and cafes all over Sydney.  Let us help you find Sydney Lunches that beat the budget and look after your health with a sustained wholefoods meal.

If you would like to discover great Sydney lunch venues where you can enjoy a quick Plum Foods  healthy lunch or brunch or breaky see the list of stockists that are cafes in Sydney on our stockists directory on the Opera online gourmet Store.

Cafes and restaurants in Sydney, we deliver to your premises overnight. and invite you to stock Plum Foods gourmet breakfast, brunch or lunch meals that are nutritious, fast and affordable.

Fake Gluten Free Caims by Food Outlets

Gluten free

A report recently published in The Medical Journal Of Australia shows, that Victorian Environmental Health Officers found numerous fake claims during their last, surprise visits, survey of food outlets. They were checking food advertised as gluten-free.

Their analysis showed that 9% were not compliant with the Food Standards Australia New Zealand definition of gluten-free. Consumption of  gluten free food has become an unfortunate fad among many consumers, however it is the only treatment for those rare few with coeliac disease. An extended article on false gluten free claims  is published on Opera Foods gourmet food Store.

Gluten free foods need to be manufactured in separate contamination free premises.

#plumfoods #glutenfree #falseclaims

Why Oaten Porridge is an Easy Healthy Breakfast

Porridge an easy healthy breakfast

Porridge with nuts and raisins

A recent article on Opera Foods blog  explains in detail why porridge is an easy healthy breakfast. The explanation of different types of rolled oats, the nutritional value of oats and different recipes to prepare porridge for different dietary needs. Porridge can be a high energy diet or a high protein diet. Read here, why porridge is an easy healthy .

#easyhealthybreakfast #porridge #rolledoats #operafoods #highenergy #highprotein

Sugar Content of Popular Cereal Products

Maple Nut Crunch from Plum Foods

Maple Nut Crunch from Plum Foods

#plumfoods shows that sugar content #sugarcontent, of some popular cereals and breakfast foods is quite alarming, as many have a lot of sugar added. Some that have dried fruit have naturally occuring sugars from the fruit, but that alone usually wont get you over 15% sugar content. Read the full article on Opera Foods lists and compares many of the popular Products (0ver 30% sugar) with gourmet brands Plum Foods #maplenutcrunch and Mulberry Tree, #mulberrytree (ranging from only 8.9% to 13.1%)

GMO Foods Actually Protecting Environment

GMO Foods vindicated

A former anti-GMO activist had now agreed that GMO Crops have been vindicated as actually protecting the environment based on their proven results in reducing water dependence and use of pesticides in GMO food crops. Read the full article on Opera Foods

Gluten Free Oats is False Advertising


Many Australian Companies are falsely advertising Gluten Free Oats whereas in spite of it being low levels there is gluten in all oats varieties. Even small levels are bad for coeliac patients. See this article on Opera Foods for more details.

Misconceptions about Gluten Free Products

Gluten free


For 98% of people there isnt a benefit to eating gluten free products and actually it is to their detriment. See this article on Opera Foods.

Soup of the week : Coconut Curry Soup

I had my grandsons birthday in Sydney on the Friday night held at The Pinnacle Restaurant  at the South Hurstville RSL Club. My diet calls for a soup, however I didn’t find a soup I liked, so I went for a simple small rump with veggies (quite nice) but next came the first big divergence from the diet with a thin slither of the beautiful chocolate mouse birthday cake, but I did share a little of it with Aniko.

Birtday Cake

Oreo Mousse Tart

As it turns out this cake was originally a tart designed by Aniko for Planet Hollywood‘s original Sydney opening 20 years ago, back in 1996. It now has a slightly different top on it, but its the same seriously rich Oreo Mousse Tart still made for Sydney cafes and restaurants by Epicurean Kitchen Handmade Cakes, which business we sold to my daughter and son-in-law in 2002 .

As I am in Sydney, Saturday is soccer day with my 3 grandsons playing at three different fields locally, so I did a fair bit of walking to and from the car and a lot of standing watching them play. It was great to see them go around but it was hard on the sore heel, so on Saturday & Sunday I did no biking or treadmill exercise.

Overall I have started out well with the exercise plan, also the biking immediately before the treadmill seems to warm up the muscles and reduce stress on the feet. Also I have discovered that if I turn it down to a slow pace, then its helps keep the weight on the ball of the foot and off the sore heel.

I made a couple of exercise time increases, and have now done 10 minutes of each, total 20 minutes, for 2 days in a row. I didn’t really intend to increase the level so quickly because I was afraid of getting back to a level where I couldn’t walk on it, but watching TV whilst doing it lets the minutes slip by. So once I realised I could do it, I have kept it up. I am still treating the ankle and heel area with anti inflammatory cream and still have a soreness but its certainly no worse, and yet I am now getting the benefit of some exercise.

Soup of the Week
My soup of the week was a beautiful curry and coconut soup that Aniko made. She says I can eat as much of it as I like in my diet plan as it contains only no nasty’s. I was starving by dinner time last night and had already cheated with a handful of salted peanuts, so I was really ready for the soup. I found her Coconut & Curry soup very tasty and satisfying with the curry giving it a little bit of zip that takes care of cravings. She finished me off with a bonus handful of black grapes.

Recipe: Coconut Curry Soup.
Ingredients: Ground Almonds, chopped Cauliflower, onions, curry powder, Spices: cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, 250ml coconut milk,

Heat some olive oil and drop in onions to brown them lightly, then add the spices, water, cauliflower, ground nuts, simmer and add 2-3 teaspoons of curry powder and 250ml of coconut milk. Serve Hot with salt & pepper to taste.