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Cranberry Crunch Easy Healthy and Delicious Granola Breakfast

Cranberry Crunch with Blueberries

Cranberry Crunch with Blueberries

Cranberries are a perfect component for a healthy granola or muesli breakfast that is quick and easy. Cranberries are low in calories and high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and also vitamin K.

Easy Healthy Breakfast

Try Plum Foods’s gorgeous ready to go Cranberry Crunch organic granola with almonds that is already loaded with dried cranberries. Add any fresh in-season berries like Blueberries or any other fresh fruit. Top it with some milk, almond milk and a big dollop of yogurt to add some protein for an easy healthy breakfast. Hard To beat for great nutritional value and sheer convenience.

Cranberry Nutritional Value

Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins an antioxidant that helps prevent a range of diseases. Cranberries improve digestion, help prevent urinary tract infections, help prevent gum disease, reduces bad cholesterol, and will boost your immune system.One of the natural super-foods.

Available in either 500g bag or family 1kg bulk pack. Buy Plum Food’s Cranberry Crunch in bulk online direct from the granola manufacturer at Opera Foods website. (Plum Foods is a subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd)

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