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Plum Foods Granola – Serve it to Suit any Family Member
Plum Foods manufacture a wide range of low sugar healthy granola and muesli mixes designed to give you an easy healthy breakfast that is flexible to suit any family members individual preferences.
For a high protein meal serve your Plum Foods granola with milk, yogurt or almond milk. Plum Foods’ range are based on Pesticide free Australian almonds so they are naturally high in protein with no added sugar.
Fresh Fruits that are high in protein are: – guavas, apricots, kiwifruit, avocados, blackberries, oranges, bananas, raspberries, cantaloupe and peaches.
Plum Foods also offer Organic Oats, Organic wholemeal flour and pesticide free almonds as stand alone products. Buy Plum Foods brand Maple Nut Crunch organic granola in Sydney at; About Life Stores, Taste Organic stores, Scoop Wholefoods Stores, Greenwood Grocer North Sydney, Fourth Village Mosman, Parisis Foodhall Rose Bay, IGA Market Central Wentworth Point, Craigs Cheese Shop BONDI JUNCTION, FruitEzy Chatswood & Chatswood Chase, The Health Emporium BONDI, Vaucluse Fruit Shop. You will also find Maple Nut Crunch served at many Sydney Cafes (because its the best). #plumfoods #maplenutcrunch #easyhealthybreakfast #granola #organicgranola #freshfruit #aboutlife #tasteorganic #scoopwholefoods #greenwoodgrocer #fourthvillage #parisis #parisisfoodhall #igamarketcentral #craigscheesshop #fruitezy #healthemporium #vauclusefruitshop #sydneycafes #sydney #gourmetgranola #organicoats #organicporridge #porridge #crunchy